Why is Storytelling Important for Outdoor Brands?

Why is Storytelling Important for Outdoor Brands?

Within the last decade, the question "why is storytelling important?" has entered most, if not all, discussions around new marketing strategies. 

It is true that the human brain connects with and retains stories much better than facts, making storytelling one of the most effective ways for brands to communicate with their audiences. 

But what is brand storytelling? A simple definition would be the usage of narratives to connect with your audience over shared interests and values. 

In this article, let's go over three reasons storytelling is important in the outdoor industry and look at a few brands nailing it. 

Why Does Storytelling Work in the Outdoors Industry?

Think back to the days of sitting around the fire on a camping trip. Maybe you don't remember the specific location, the s'mores, or the cold nights, but you certainly remember campfire stories. Storytelling is a huge part of the outdoor adventure world since much of the knowledge of exploring our natural world relies on written or verbal communication. 

Storytelling can also be compelling in the outdoor industry because hearing inspirational stories and adventures motivates others to find the same feeling for themselves. Companies can also use this marketing strategy to do more than sell their products or services. Storytelling can:

  • Humanize a brand
  • Inspire new consumption habits
  • Inform on global issues 
  • Fundraise for a cause 
  • Vocalize company values 
  • Share product reviews in a creative way

Storytelling leads to a deeper connection with customers and can create positive correlations with your brand.

Case Study: Good Brand Storytelling

Many outdoor brands have already begun using storytelling to enhance their marketing efforts. Below are three examples of companies using the same technique slightly differently.


Osprey, an outdoor gear company, has utilized storytelling and testimonials to engage with customers through blog posts. 

In the Stories tab of their website, Osprey has it broken down into categories like type of activity, family, and activism. Then, in each section, Osprey offers stories ranging from explorers' adventures to helpful tips and tricks for the outdoors. 

While few of their posts mention their products, the stories share photos and experiences from relatable people enjoying the outdoors. Reading these adventure stories can inspire people to order a new backpack and hit the mountains. 

Testimonials in the outdoor industry are huge. This method of storytelling inspires people to explore the outdoors and find a connection with nature, as many of the stories share. The key for Osprey is keeping the stories engaging, inspirational, and memorable. Any outdoor brand can use the testimonial technique with a story to tell. 


While Patagonia also has an active blog section on its website, it is the brand’s Instagram account that captures a large amount of its audience’s attention. 

Patagonia goes above and beyond when it comes to storytelling. Rarely do their posts function as a traditional ad promoting their products. Instead, they serve as an invitation to a particular lifestyle and value system. 

Patagonia often features stories of small business owners in the industry, testimonials from people most impacted by the climate crisis, or short videos featuring the most incredible display of outdoor adventures- like barefoot bouldering. 

The usage of social media allows stories to come in different mediums like short videos, photos, or 24-hour stories. 

This method of storytelling works for Patagonia because the stories they share speak to the company's values and motivations. Of course, sharing stories that reflect their sustainability goals is important, but by doing so, people are reminded of the brand's environmental efforts that reflect their values. This parallel creates a connection for the audience and helps Patagonia stay in their mind as a trusted brand sharing a common goal. 

Kari Traa

Kari Traa is a women's outdoor apparel company from Norway. Founded by Olympic freestyle skiing gold medalist Kari Traa, the brand focuses its energy on empowering women to explore the outdoors. 

Based on Traa's- and other women's experience in sports and outdoors- the brand markets its clothing as "for girls by girls." With their most recent campaign, #girlswillbegirls, the company showcases women in the outdoor industry who are overlooked and are working to make the outdoor community more accessible and equal for other women. 

The brand's marketing efforts are based on inspiring women to push the barriers and achieve their goals. This narrative based on the founder's experience as an Olympic athlete resonates with women from all walks of life. 

While being an Olympic athlete may not be relatable to most people, the narrative of fighting for equality is. Kari Traa is a great example of a brand using a personal story to connect with its audience, working towards a common goal. 

By attaching the brand to equality in sports and outdoor activities, the products become a symbol of personal values for consumers. If you want people to buy your brand and show it off confidently, your products should symbolize something you are passionate about. 

How to Build Strong Brand Storytelling

After looking at three brands using storytelling to connect with their audience, it is important to understand how your brand can do the same. Here are a few things you will need to do internally before your story can go public. 

Identify Brand Values 

The first step when creating your brand story is identifying what values are important to your company and your company's people. Here are a few questions to ask yourself when deciding on your values:

  • What changes would we like to see in our world?
  • What inspired us to create this brand?
  • What problem does our product or service solve?
  • What are the benefits of choosing our company over our competitors?

Of course, your list of values and goals may be too long to pack it all in, so select from your list the values that you feel are the most important and relatable to your target audience. 

Remember, people can tell when a brand is forcing it, so be authentic in your value selection and be transparent with your audience. 

Create a Brand Identity  

After selecting the values your brand would like to have at the forefront of your marketing efforts, learning how to package them is important. Many factors go into creating a successful brand identity, but here are some things to consider:

  • Tone
  • Visuals 
  • Persona 
  • Mission statement 

Your brand identity captures all aspects of the brand that your audience sees. From Small details like color and font selection, all the way to big components like mission statements and writing style, impact how your brand is perceived. 

Luckily, establishing clear values and goals can help the many elements that make a successful brand identity become obvious. 

Find Where/How to Best Reach Your Audience

The last important thing to consider is where and how to communicate your brand story. Depending on your target audience, the location may vary. Some places to consider are:

  • Social media
  • Facebook, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter
  • Email 
  • Print
  • Magazine, newspaper
  • Newsletter
  • Blog post 

A company can use any combination of these marketing placements if it makes sense for its target audience. This portion may require some investigation but has a huge payoff if the time is taken to research your target audience and find the best space to share your stories. 

It's Storytime!

Think back to the beginning days of your brand. What made you want to create something new in the outdoor industry? Then, pulling energy from your day one inspiration, it is time to start telling your story and sharing your values. 

It is essential to remember your target audience- if identified correctly- should most likely share some of the same core values as your brand. Storytelling is a great tool to share those values and connect better with your customers. 

Not sure where to begin? That's okay! At Algofy, we are happy to talk through your brand and identify shared values and goals between you and your customers. So reach out today to learn why storytelling is important and how to begin your storytelling journey today.

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