The Success of Lifestyle Marketing in Outdoor Brands

The Success of Lifestyle Marketing in Outdoor Brands

The usage of lifestyle marketing in the outdoor industry has grown to be a successful go-to approach. Lifestyle marketing allows companies to go beyond telling consumers to buy products and makes them want to incorporate a brand into their lives. 

The outdoor industry is crowded, making it hard for customers to parse through all the noise and find the right brands for their adventures. However, lifestyle marketing can catch the right people's attention and make your brand feel relatable and trustworthy. 

Lifestyle marketing relies on customers' and companies' shared interests, values, and goals. Let's break down the components of lifestyle marketing and learn how to implement them into your marketing strategy.

What is a Lifestyle?

Before introducing what lifestyle marketing is, it is important to understand what lifestyle means and how to identify it within your target audience. A lifestyle is the behaviors people exhibit based on their interests, culture, activities, and more. These characteristics are what make people different from one another. Apart from the elements above, other aspects of lifestyle include:

  • Location
  • Demographics
  • Health and wellness
  • Religion
  • Work and Income

Often, lifestyle elements are influenced by people's value systems and beliefs. So, it is important to understand the aspects of your audience's lifestyle and where those elements come from.

What is Lifestyle Marketing?

Marketing comes into play with lifestyle when a brand decides to sell its products or services as a way for the target audience to get closer to reaching their aspirations and goals. 

A brand can do this by attaching itself to the company's core values- these usually align with the values of its audience. Another way brands can use lifestyle marketing is by showing the customer how its product or service works within a particular, desired lifestyle. 

Consider Outdoor brands like Patagonia or The North Face. Using user testimonials, powerful imagery, and consistent devotion to sustainability efforts, these brands share with the audience the type of lifestyle their products are built for. 

A huge part of lifestyle marketing is showing, not telling. With a proper understanding of your audience, it becomes clear how your brand works to support their actual- or aspirational- lifestyle. 

Lifestyle Segmentation

Within a target audience, there will be subcategories called segments. Segments create an even more specific breakdown of your target audience and allow you to group people by different lifestyles. 

Lifestyle segmentation is used to best tailor your brand message to connect with your audience. For outdoor brands, it is important to know what lifestyle your customers live. Are they thrill-seeking adrenaline junkies? Maybe They're hardcore mountaineers or possibly the "kick-it by the campfire" type. Some things to consider about your consumers when creating lifestyle segments are:

  • Interests 
  • Hobbies and how much time is given to each
  • Demographics
  • Income

However you categorize your audience, it is important that your brand messaging matches their desires, values, and goals. 

Using a Lifestyle Marketing Approach

Implementing a lifestyle marketing approach into your outdoor brand marketing strategy is a great way to better connect and communicate with your target audience.

This method makes sense- people want to feel heard, make connections, and move towards their aspirations in life. Lifestyle marketing helps your brand become a symbol of those things. 

Along with becoming more connected, this marketing method can make your brand stand out from the competition by showing your clients what you stand for and care about. In addition, these efforts help humanize a company, making it more trustworthy and increasing brand loyalty. 

Implementing Lifestyle Marketing 

Executing successful lifestyle marketing can be boiled down to three simple steps. Though each step takes lots of planning and preparation, all are completely obtainable for a brand willing to do the work. 

Identify the lifestyle you want to sell

Selecting the right lifestyle to sell requires in-depth research of your target audience. Understanding the psychographics of your consumers is key to deciding on the right path to venture down. Psychographics include things like beliefs, values, opinions, and interests. 

Once your brand clearly understands your audience, it is time to dive deeply into your products or services to understand how they can align with the information found in your consumer research.

Creating Compelling Content 

The content created to sell your brand's lifestyle is critical to connecting with the right people. First, it is important to consider what platforms will be the most successful at reaching your audience, then decide how to use that platform creatively. 

Your content should reflect your brand's personality and tell a compelling and relatable story. Remember, your content shouldn't focus on selling your products but on selling the lifestyle your brand creates or caters to. 

One way to help create interesting content is by highlighting user-generated content. For example, using hashtags or posting user testimonials to make your brand more interactive with its customers is a great way to help people feel connected to your brand. 

A great example of strong outdoor brand storytelling is Yet's Youtube account. The durable drinkware company uses adventure stories from brand ambassadors and other outdoors people to sell the lifestyle its product represents.

Build a Community

A huge part of the outdoor world is based around the community it fosters. Brands should also work to create a sense of community or lifestyle around their product or service. 

Finding ways to connect people with similar interests and values around your company can help your brand remind people of connection and community. Tools like Facebook pages, events, or even a Twitter hashtag can help people feel like they belong to a group.

Wrapping up

Lifestyle marketing in the outdoor industry can elevate your brand and bring you closer to achieving your big goals. The implementation of this approach can be done across all marketing platforms, so picking where to start is important. Social media can be great if your brand is focused on visuals, but other options may include newsletters, blogs, or other marketing communication mediums.

If you want to begin your lifestyle marketing journey, we are here to help your brand identify its values and understand how your target audience can best relate!

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